BlindGiRl is an intriguing game that has the player assume the role of a young girl, lost in a world of darkness.
BlindGiRl features an innovative ‘wave propagation mechanic’, it basically works how a Daredevil game should; as BlindGiRL moves through the levels, she creates sounds; which creates waves, which slowly reveals her surroundings.
Created by GLPeas who brought Carcophony, BlindGiRl is non-linear and simple to play, but requires much careful thought.
I love the simplicity of the game, the simple graphics and complementary sound, all these make up one of the most visionary games that I have seen so far on the Indie Marketplace. The added colour blind simulator is also a very strange but fascinating touch.
BlindGiRl is available now via the Xbox Live Indie Marketplace, for the mere price of 80 Microsoft Points, and it’s worth so much more, Gamercast have been playing BlindGiRl since it went up!
In short, no gamer has any excuse not to buy this dirt cheap title, which scores 4/5 for its ingenuity.