Team17 have announced the final game in their lineup at EGX Rezzed which will receive its global unveiling at the show, as a brand new IP from the studio there's no worms or aliens in sight with Flockers.

They're not giving much in the way of details except that you should head down to Hall 1 to 'meat' the Flockers and get a hands-on with their new IP which Managing Director Debbie Bestwick names the most important game that they've worked on in over a decade.
If you're planning on visiting EGX Rezzed, The Escapists, Flockers and Light by Just A Pixel will all be playable! We're headed to EGX Rezzed this year, so you should too! It's taking place at the NEC Birmingham from March 28th-30th, and you can get your hands on Alien: Isolation!