Some of you Crusader Kings 2 fans out there may have been a little disappointed with the teaser trailer for the games newest forthcoming expansion Rajas of India, fear not because more in-depth viewing of the expansion is imminent, so imminent that you can watch the developers present the game live on their TwitchTV channel, not right now, it's tomorrow, don't worry if you can't make it or have missed it already, because they'll be posting the highlights on their Youtube channel.
So if you're free March 4th around 7PM (GMT) be sure to check out the official Paradox Interactive TwitchTV channel for more of a look at the game, until then, why not brush up on the latest developer diary concerning War Elephants!
In Rajas of India you can begin to conquer in the name of India, raise war elephants and fight in jungle terrain, each religion has its strengths with Buddhists wishing to advance their technology, Jain hoping to keep their realm stable, or the warlike Hindu that would rather raid their neighbours.
The expansion of course brings a wealth of new cultural and religious events that revolve around the belief of reincarnation, karmic forces and appeasing the gods. It also comes with an extended map that reaches far to the east to include hundreds of new provinces in Central Asia as well as the ports of the Red Sea and Indian Ocean for your fleets.

Crusader Kings II: Rajas of India is scheduled for a release Spring 2014 for Windows PC and Mac.