Suffice to say on its original release Omerta - City of Gangsters from Haemimont Games was not exactly what everyone expected, but, then again, everyone was too busy comparing it to Gangsters to see the true potential of a very interesting business simulation that was paired together with an extremely satisfying battle system, although there was always one thing holding the game back, competition!
Unlike most DLC that the game has received, The Japanese Incentive not only adds new characters, weapons and buildings, but also contains a lengthy single player campaign. This story is not your average hour long DLC, and I found myself playing it for practically the length of the standard game! It follows the Japanese businessman Hikaro Eda, you see back in the 20s Asians couldn't hold land, so Hikaro turns to you, an up-and-coming 'business man' to do his dirty work as he takes on previously unexplored territory of Atlantic City which leads to pretty much what you'd expect, and a lot of rival gangs!

However one of the most important aspects of The Japanese Incentive that the core game was simply missing is this aspect of rival gangs, this was added into a free content update back in September, however this was limited solely in the sandbox mode. the Japanese Incentive brings forth this capacity into story-based missions.
Now it's a not straightforward to exist by the side of another gang, after all they'll act just as aggressively towards you as you to them, so expect your joints to get turned over and property stolen! It's not all bad though as you'll find yourself equipped with the potential to keep other gangs at bay, hired goons and hitmen can ensure your buildings are kept somewhat safe, lookouts can give you the opportunity to fight for your businesses and private investigators can keep track of their incomings and resources, so you're well equipped, but you won't have any idea what other gangs have hidden up their sleeves.
If you're used to the rather laid-back, relaxed atmosphere of Omerta - City of Gangsters then you may find the increased activity of rival gangs in The Japanese Incentive somewhat alarming, before you know it your premises will be stolen, your joints turned over and suddenly your income has plummeted, except you might not know about it, unfortunately notifications are still not stored which means a lot of acquisitions or actions taken against you will often drop off the screen before you realise, that is, until you see all the red markers on the map.

Alongside new story based missions and mechanics, like all good DLC packs The Japanese Incentive also includes some new gangsters to join your troupe like the exotic Mikoto, and new weapons including the devastating cold steel of the Katana, and the flamethrower that shows off the new fire propagation of the expansion that can be used to disastrous effect.
If you never played it during its original release Omerta - City of Gangsters is a gangster strategy-cum-simulator, that tasks you with working up the ladder from a nobody, just like the movies! Whilst business is done from a real time map, combat against opposing thugs and the cops is carried out in turn based locations.
The Japanese Incentive is the expansion that Omerta has yearned for, the addition of Rival gangs and the measures to counteract them brings a wealth of new content, let alone the lengthy campaign that rivals the core game!
Omerta - The Japanese Incentive is available now from all good digital distribution sites for the SRP of £14.99, the price tag may seem a little high, but you get more than your money's worth in this ridiculously good expansion.