Namco Bandai have today announced that Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch will not be reaching European shores until the first quarter of 2013, of course they had never previously announced when Ni no Kuni would reach the UK, but at least there's more of a definite date now.
The main reason for the date that feels so far away, may be down to the game not only having English and Japanese voices as an option along with English subtitles. For Europe it will also feature French, Italian, German and Spanish subtitles.
President and CEO of LEVEL-5, Akihiro Hino has stated that they want every player outside of Japan to have the best experience possible when playing the game.
"To make this possible, we decided to invest the time in localising the game so that as many people as possible across Europe can enjoy the full experience in their own language."
Ni no Kuni for those unaware is the amazing collaboration between LEVEL-5 and Studio Ghibli which has ended up with a very nice looking J-RPG. It follows the story of a boy called Oliver who travels into a parallel world to become a magician to try and bring his mother back from the dead. In usual Ghibli fashion Oliver makes friends with fantastical creatures that live in the world.
No word has been mentioned on the American release since the announcement of it coming out in 2012 so we imagine that's still the same. Just those in Europe will have to wait a little bit longer to get this gorgeous looking game.