After the recent release of DuckTales Remastered, the other great game from a similar time has had its release date announced which pleases me greatly as it's quite soon and I can't wait to play it again. Unlike DuckTales however SEGA are playing around a little more with their remake plus you can look forward to Mickey dialogue plus narration for the story as well.
SEGA have announced that Castle of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse will be arriving very soon in September, across all platforms it's being released on. I only hope that Castle of Illusion does well and maybe spurs on the idea of a reimagining of Land of Illusion as well. Because even after owning both games as well as World of Illusion. I played Land a lot more over the others, and I wonder if some missed out on Land because of the Master System/Game Gear only release that it had. So fingers crossed it does well and that the rest of the game is as challenging as it was when we played it at E3, so here's hoping for more Mickey's and other old ip to be reborn.

Castle of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse will be available on September 4th on Playstation Network, Xbox Live Arcade and Windows for a £10 price mark across platforms. Also for those that pre-order the game on the PSN you'll receive an exclusive downloadable emulated copy of Castle of Illusion from the Mega Drive port, along with a dynamic theme and three avatars.