Our suspicions were true, if you haven't heard the news, King Art Games have announced The Book of Unwritten Tales 2 for release in 2015, there's one catch however.
You see, King Art Games had great success with their classic turn based strategy Kronos when they took it to Kickstarter, they appealed to like-minded fans to help them make the game that they wanted to make, better!
Now don't worry, they aren't relying on funding to make the game, that's already in motion thanks to the folks at Nordic Games, and it'll be out at the beginning of 2015 on Windows PC, Mac and Linux in English and German, with a DRM-free version, both boxed and digital.
So where do you come in? Well the game will consist of five chapters in a similar style to their most recent adventure game The Raven, and each chapter will last around 3 to 4 hours, but they want to push The Book of Unwritten Tales 2 further than the epic journey of the original.
The funding raised will not only enable the production of the limited Kickstarter Edition of the game that will feature a special box, high-quality artbook, soundtrack and Book of Unwritten Tales mouse mat, this edition will only be available during the crowd funding phase. Other rewards include a Critter plushie, puppet, even a life sized one, not to mention posters, postcards and bags.
As well as special edition goodies for the fans, reaching their goal of $65,000 will allow them to utilise Projection Mapping technology to improve their locations and use more dynamic camera movements.
They're also prepared with stretch goals to put optional side quests into the game with puzzles that you aren't required to solve, and unique outfits for the different characters of the game. Even more funding will allow them to record some of the soundtrack with a live orchestra, add more animations, more camera angles, you name it!
Better yet, you won't have to wait forever for your game, as The Book of Unwritten Tales 2 will be coming to Steam Early Access, so your first chapter should become available this Fall, and if you back more than $25 you get Early Access for free.
What are you waiting for? I loved The Book of Unwritten Tales so much that I named it one of my games of 2011, and I can only hope that with the enhancements of the Kickstarter campaign, the sequel can be one of my favourite games of 2015!
Go on, give it a pledge, I did.