One of the worst races to ever take part in Blood Bowl will make it’s way onto the pitch with the release of Blood Bowl: Legendary Edition, a short while back we revealed that Blood Bowl: Legendary Edition would include a further 11 races, well we are now able to announce that one of these races will be the culinary experts, the Halflings.
Halfling players are so short that pretty much any pass they try to make will be intercepted by anything on the pitch (except maybe the grass), they are notoriously slow runners and will therefore be outrun by anything that can move, and are weak enough to be beaten to a pulp by anything on the pitch.
At this point your probably thinking what is the point? Well the point is, they get a tree man, tree men are notorious for being able to kill other players in a normal tackle, as well as this they will also have the ability to throw their smaller team mates towards the end zone which suddenly gives one of the most useless races in Blood Bowl a huge advantage, although most of the time they will just be useless.
Other races that have been confirmed, but have not had details about them announced are: Undead, Amazon and Ogres, hopefully in the run up to the release of the game we will hear a lot more announcements. Blood Bowl: Legendary Edition is planned for release on Windows PC Q4 2010