To celebrate the upcoming Dotnia election, that just so happens to be taking part at the same time as the UK elections, the brilliant minds at SouthPeak Games have used the excellent character editor in their upcoming game 3D Dot Game Heroes to create characters inspired by the leaders of the Labour Party, Conservatives and Liberal Democrats, so whether you want to save the kingdom as Gordon Brown, or prance around as David Cameron you only have to download them for free!
When the game is released on May 14th it is simply a case of downloading your chosen party leader onto your PC then popping it on a compatible USB and copying it over onto your Playstation 3. You can check out our review of the game here, and download the 3D Dot Part leaders here from the ‘vault’ section, why don’t you try out the character editor while you’re at it. 3D Dot Game Heroes is out on the 14th of May exclusively on Playstation 3, you can pre-order it from GAME here.